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Oracle Chosen as TikTok’s Tech Partner, as Microsoft’s Bid Is Rejected
oracle 甲骨文公司,全称甲骨文股份有限公司(甲骨文软件系统有限公司),是全球最大的企业级软件公司,总部位于美国加利福尼亚州的红木滩。1989年正式进入中国市场。2013年,甲骨文已超越 IBM ,成为继 Microsoft 后全球第二大软件公司。
bid/bɪd/ 表示〔尤指拍卖时的〕出价(to offer to pay a particular price for goods, especially in an auction)
bid (sb) sth for sth
She bid £100 for a Victorian chair. 她出价 100 英镑买一把维多利亚时代的椅子。
reject/rɪdʒekt/ 表示不接受; 不雇用; 不录取(to not choose someone for a job, course of study etc)
反义词 accept
Its obvious why his application was rejected. 他的申请被拒绝原因很明显。
The Chinese owner of TikTok has chosen Oracle to be the app’s technology partner for its U.S. operations and has rejected an acquisition offer from Microsoft, as time runs out on an executive order from President Trump threatening to ban the popular app unless its American operations are sold.
acquisition/ˌækwɪzɪʃ(ə)n/ 表示〔土地、权力、金钱等的〕获得,得到(the act of getting land, power, money etc)
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the acquisition of new sites for development 获得新的土地用于开发
executive/ɪgzekjʊtɪv/ 表示〔公司或机构〕行政的,管理的( relating to the job of managing a business or organization and making decisions)
a commission with executive powers 有执行权的委员会
In constitutional systems that lack a strong executive, a prime minister represents a temporary and often brittle agreement within a ruling party.
When he refused, another executive slapped him.当他表示拒绝时,另一位高管扇了他一耳光。
It was unclear whether TikTok’s choice of Oracle as a technology partner would mean that Oracle would also take a majority ownership stake of the social media app, the people involved in the negotiations said.
stake/steɪk/ 表示股份,股本(if you have a stake in a business, you have invested money in it)
They have to win the contract – thousands of jobs are at stake. 他们必须赢得这份合同,这关系到好几千个工作岗位。
Even if Oracle may try to close a deal, it is unclear whether Beijing would create new obstacles to the process. And election-year politics have hung over the negotiations from the start. Unlike many other technology companies, Oracle has cultivated close ties with the Trump administration. Its founder, Larry Ellison, hosted a fund-raiser for Mr. Trump this year, and its chief executive, Safra Catz, served on the president’s transition team and has frequently visited the White House.
close a deal学习搭配,表示达成交易
obstacle/ɒbstək(ə)l/ 表示障碍,阻碍,妨碍(something that makes it difficult to achieve something)
积累搭配:put / place obstacles in the way (of sth) (给某事)设置障碍
overcome an obstacle 克服障碍
remove an obstacle 排除障碍
hang/hæŋ/ hang over sth / sb 表示〔不愉快的事〕威胁着; 使担心(if something bad is hanging over you, you are worried or anxious about it)
Its not very nice to have huge debts hanging over your head . 心里牵挂着巨额债务总是很难受的。
cultivate/kʌltɪveɪt/ 表示培养,养成(to work hard to develop a particular skill, attitude, or quality)
Try to cultivate a more relaxed and positive approach to life. 要努力养成更为放松和积极的生活态度。
Last week Meituan co-published a proposal with a number of business organizations, including the China General Chamber of Commerce and China Cuisine Association, calling on restaurants to stop food waste and help cultivate new eating habits for customers.
Last month, Mr. Trump said he would support Oracle buying TikTok. He called Oracle a great company and said the firm, which specializes in enterprise software, could successfully run TikTok.
specialize/ˈspeʃəlaiz/ 表示专门研究,专门从事,专攻(to limit all or most of your study, business etc to a particular subject or activity)
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Simmons specialized in contract law. 西蒙斯专攻合同法。
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