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据《华盛顿邮报》4月26日报道,四月底,一首听起来是由知名说唱歌手公鸭Drake和R&B 歌手盆栽The Weeknd合作的歌曲《Heart On My Sleeve》在国外火了。


美国歌手盆栽哥(The Weeknd)资料图,图源:视觉中国

然而,这首歌其实并非这两位歌手发的新歌,而是TikTok用户@Ghostwriter977,用Drake和The Weeknd的声音对AI模型进行了训练,同时模仿两人的音乐风格生成的。


他似乎准备好深藏功与名,言简意赅地在自我介绍中写道,一切才刚刚开始(I’m just getting started.)……

The viral song of last week was Heart on My Sleeve, released by TikTok user Ghostwriter977 but made popular because of its purported use of AI-generated vocals of megastars Drake and the Weeknd.


比如在国外, AI生成的蕾哈娜(Rihanna)翻唱了《Cuff It》,AI肯德里克·拉马尔(Kendrick Lamar)演唱了《Off the Grid》。



对于这些人工智能生成内容(AI generated content,简称AIGC)的新把戏,一些人认为是音乐技术的新先锋,另一些人则惊讶于AI与真人演唱歌曲的相似程度。

It comes on the heels of AI-generated Rihanna singing Cuff It and AI Kendrick Lamar rapping Ye’s Off the Grid and each release is followed by a certain hysteria, with some listeners proclaiming a new vanguard in music technology and other astonished by the seemingly uncanny likeness to the source material it was extracted from.

不过,相比之下,这首最新的AI歌曲《Heart On My Sleeve》可能由于太受欢迎甚至火出了圈,在音乐行业引发了恐慌。



The song sparked a panic within the music industry in a way that none of the previous AI-generated tracks did, perhaps because of its popularity. It received more than 15 million views on TikTok, 600,000 streams on Spotify, and 275,000 views on YouTube, numbers that would seem to be more than just listener curiosity.


The BBC estimated that the song earned at least US$1,888 from Spotify alone; Billboard estimated that the song may have earned US$9,400 globally across all platforms.








然而,正如网友所料,爆火出圈的《Heart On My Sleeve》很快吸引到了行业巨头——环球音乐集团(Universal Music Group)的注意。

综合《华盛顿邮报》及BBC报道,4月17日,作为Drake和The Weeknd两位艺人的幕后唱片公司,环球音乐集团发表声明严厉谴责这首歌是用生成式人工智能创作的侵权内容(infringing content created with generative AI)。

之后,《Heart On My Sleeve》已经从所有数字服务提供商中被删除。

The reason those numbers aren’t higher is that Heart on My Sleeve has since been removed from all digital service providers following a complaint by Universal Music Group, who released a statement on April 17 condemning infringing content created with generative AI.

BBC 4月18日报道:Drake和The Weend的AI歌曲从Spotify和苹果音乐上被撤下



Universal Music Group, which publishes both artists through Republic Records, said it has been doing its own innovation around AI for some time.


But it added: "The training of generative AI using our artists music (which represents both a breach of our agreements and a violation of copyright law) as well as the availability of infringing content created with generative AI on DSPs [digital service providers], begs the question as to which side of history all stakeholders in the music ecosystem want to be on: the side of artists, fans and human creative expression, or on the side of deep fakes, fraud and denying artists their due compensation.

环球音乐集团还表示,平台有基本的法律和道德责任(legal and ethical responsibility),来防止以伤害艺术家的方式使用其服务。

The record label said platforms have a fundamental legal and ethical responsibility to prevent the use of their services in ways that harm artists.

环球音乐集团执行副总裁迈克尔·纳什(Michael Nash)最近在一篇专栏文章中哀叹,人工智能音乐正在削弱市场,使原创作品更难被找到,也侵犯了艺术家从作品中获得报酬的合法权利。

Michael Nash, an executive VP at Universal Music Group, recently wrote in an op-ed that AI music is diluting the market, making original creations harder to find, and violating artists’ legal rights to compensation from their work.


But attempting to crack down on AI-generated music may pose a unique challenge. The legal landscape for AI work remains unclear, the tools to create it are widely accessible and social media makes it easier than ever to distribute it.

尽管娱乐行业已经看到了这些问题的到来,但监管却落后于AI飞速发展的步伐。Although the entertainment industry has seen these issues coming, regulations are lagging behind the rapid pace of AI development.

来自美国洛杉矶的娱乐行业律师奥黛丽·贝诺瓦利德(Audrey Benoualid)表示,人们可以辩称,《Heart On My Sleeve》并没有侵犯版权,因为它似乎是一部原创作品。

贝诺瓦利德表示,@Ghostwriter977还公开声称,Drake和The Weend没有参与这首歌的制作,这可以保护他免受‘假冒’的指控。而他赚取利润的方式是通过误导消费者,让他们相信这首歌实际上是Drake和The Weend合作的。

Audrey Benoualid, an entertainment lawyer based in Los Angeles, said one could argue Heart On My Sleeve does not infringe copyright as it appears to be an original composition.

Ghostwriter also publicized that Drake and The Weeknd were not involved in the making of the song, which could protect them from a ‘passing off’ claim, where profits are generated as consumers are misled into believing the song is actually a Drake-Weeknd collaboration, she said in an email to CNN.

贝诺瓦利德补充说,机器学习和AIGC程序要么复制现有作品来训练AI,要么生成与现有作品非常相似的输出,这也可能侵犯现有作品的版权。她说:各大唱片公司无疑会,而且已经开始辩称,它们的版权以及艺人的知识产权(intellectual property rights)受到了侵犯。

However, Benoualid added, machine learning and generative AI programs may also be found to infringe copyright in existing works, either by making copies of those works to train the AI or by generating outputs that are substantially similar to those existing works. Major labels would undoubtedly, and have already begun to, argue that their copyrights (and their artists’ intellectual property rights) are being infringed, she said.

CNN报道指出,目前,还没有法律规定人工智能能训练什么,不能训练什么。但上个月,为了回应那些希望为人工智能创作的作品寻求版权的个人,美国版权局(the US Copyright Office)发布了关于如何注册人工智能创作的文学、音乐和艺术作品的新指南。

No regulations exist that dictate on what AI can and cannot train. But last month, in response to individuals looking to seek copyright for AI-generated works, the US Copyright Office released new guidance around how to register literary, musical, and artistic works made with AI.


The copyright will be determined on a case-by-case basis, the guidance continued, based on how the AI tool operates and how it was used to create the final piece or work. The US Copyright Office announced it will also be seeking public input on how the law should apply to copywritten works the AI trains on, and how the office should treat those works.

虽然人工智能生成的音乐作品引发了唱片公司和不少音乐人的担忧,但也有些人选择拥抱AI。比如,美国音乐人霍莉·赫恩登(Holly Herndon)选择用自己的声音来训练AI,并做成了名为Holly+的AI语音模型,供其他音乐爱好者使用。

Holly Herndon 推特截图

在《纽约时报》的采访中,她表示同情Drake的遭遇,但她认为,大多数人在音乐平台上只是想听点好听的音乐,或许并不在乎音乐里是否含有真实的情感。她还表示,探索这项技术(AI)比试图禁止它有更多的机会(There is more opportunity in exploring this technology than trying to shut it down.)




Grimes在推特上发布了一篇关于《Heart on Sleeve》的报道截图,并配文邀请音乐人用人工智能克隆她的声音来创作新歌。









