域名sex.city注册于2015年8月,目前已经续费到了2018年。该域名的前缀sex是性、性别的意思,后缀city是城市的意思,组合起来sex.city直译为色欲都市、性都,与著名的美剧《欲望都市》(Sex and the City)相对应。
The domain name Sex.city sold at Sedo and is the 1st confirmed New gTLD sale of 2017.
The domain was bought for $2,150 and the new owner is (surprise, surprise) from Amsterdam.
When I saw the sale I thought that the renewal price would be off the charts for this one likeseveral other New gTLDs that are being auctioned off.
But the renewal price is not $400+ or even $200+ like many of the Donuts higher end domains. The renewal is about $115 per year (Or is it just $23 per year? My registrar is uncertain…). I would never have guessed it.
That is not bad for such a domain. I own less than 10 New gTLDs with a renewal of more than that. Maybe I would have made a bid for it but I forgot and I didn’t even check the renewal price until after the auction was over.
The buyer owns several other New gTLDs like hyper.world, hyper.help, soap.show, sports.town and hyper.club.
The buyers main website seems to be another new domain:bit.pub. This is how the company describes what it does:
Bitpub is a platform for a new generation of websites that focus on a single topic, where users can easily submit, search, pay, access, play, save, and discuss content.Joining the platform is possible by connecting any existing website to the Bitpub API, or by joining websites from the Bitpub portfolio. Each Bitpub website provides an online space where users and valuable content can find each other in the most efficient way.
BTW the 2nd New gTLD sale of 2017 is 2.xyz that sold yesterday at a West.cn auction for $30,606. The price is not even close to 1.xyz, 9,xyz and 6.xyz that all sold for 6 figures and are in thetop 10 of all timein the Sold.Domains New gTLD database.
1. 据外媒报道,域名wadi.com最近因到期未续费掉落,在竞拍中以33,800美元结拍。该域名此前是一家电子商务公司持有并启用,该公司在成立于2015年,曾在2016年获得6,700万美元的A轮融资,截至2019年共获得近1亿美元的融资。然而,就是这么一家起初看来风光无限、背景雄厚的公司却在2019年的时候宣布关闭,也许正是因为这样才导致品牌域名无人管理,最终掉落。
2. 近日,在godaddy的过期拍卖上,三数字域名970.com以136,000美元的价格结拍。该域名在1999年注册,此前一直跳转到在线娱乐平台。另外,英文组合域名PutLocker.com也因过期掉落被拍卖,最终以102,499美元的价格结拍。该域名此前是英国一家影视相关的终端启用,但在几年前(2014年6月)被英国警方(知识产权犯罪部门)查封,之后便进入无人管理状态,直到掉落。
3. Sedo上周交易榜单显示:三字母域名fmj.com以26,000美元的价格排在第一位。同时,heizungen.de以25,000欧元的价格排在该榜单国别域名分类的第一名。详情如下:
· fmj.com26,000 美元
· coachingtools.com20,000 美元
· insula.com15,000 美元
· primetrader.com14,295 美元
· heizungen.de25,000 EUR
· astrologie.fr15,000 EUR
· it.gr12,600 EUR
· dmail.me11,765 USD
4. 据国外业内人士透露,sexy.com.au和sexy.au这两个域名以五位数澳元的价格售出,买家并未透露,卖家好像是Mark S.和Sam K.。按照这个说法,这两个域名的买家很有可能是同一个人,更有可能是来自澳大利亚的终端。.au和.com.au是澳大利亚的国别域名。
5. 据外媒报道,英国时装零售商Next将会以340万英镑的价格收购