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本文是为大家整理的网络营销主题相关的10篇外文毕业论文文献, 包括5篇期刊论文,5篇学位论文,为网络营销选题相关人员撰写毕业论文提供参考。

1.[期刊论文]Web marketing in agri-food industry: Challenges and opportunities


期刊:《Trends in Food Science & Technology》 | 2020 年第 1 期

摘要:Background: Non-technological innovations in marketing are key drivers of competitive advantage of agri-food companies. The progressive and incessant affirmation of the Internet in the world economic panorama imposes the overcoming of the traditional models of marketing. The agri-food companies, in this new context, must think of themselves in the first place, mainly as a provider of information, and must be aware that it is facing a new type of customer, which becomes an active element of the marketing process. In recent years, agri-food companies have started processes of adaptation of their strategic and operational marketing activities with the aim of progressively integrating digital systems and exploiting their potential.

摘要翻译:背景:营销的非技术创新是农业食品公司竞争优势的关键驱动因素。 世界经济全景互联网的进步和不断肯定克服了传统营销模式的克服。 在这个新的背景下,农业食品公司必须首先考虑自己,主要是作为信息的提供者,并且必须意识到它面临着新的客户,成为营销过程的活跃元素 。 近年来,农业食品公司已经开始适应战略和运营营销活动的过程,目的是逐步整合数字系统并利用其潜力。

关键词:Strategy;Web marketing;Food industry;Management




2.[期刊论文]Analysing farmers’ intention to adopt web marketing under a technology-organisation-environment perspective: A case study in Italy


期刊:《Agricultural Economics》 | 2020 年第 5 期

摘要:This study explores the?factors that?affect the?intention to?adopt web marketing (WM) at?farm level as?an?innovation for?business purposes. Data were collected from a direct survey among Italian farmers. The?paper applies the?Technology-Organisation-Environment (TOE) framework. Among the?variables considered, the?results mainly show that?a higher perceived usefulness of?WM leads to?a greater intention to?adopt it from farmers. Similarly, the?intention to?adopt WM is positively influenced by?the customers‘ readiness to?use this technology and the?perceived ease of?use. Moreover, the?intention to?adopt is lower for?the farms showing a greater size. Surprisingly, the?perception of?customers’ positive expectation about WM?adoption by?the farm shows a negative effect, suggesting that?external pressures can inhibit farmers’ intention. Findings are valuable to?understand how to?develop policies to?support WM?adoption among farmers, that?is important to?gain access to?the market especially for?smallholders.

摘要翻译:这项研究探讨了?因素:影响?打算?采用Web营销(WM)?农业水平为?一个?创新?经营的目的。从意大利农民之间的直接调查收集数据。 ?论文适用于?技术组织 - 环境(TOE)框架。在那个变量中考虑过,结果主要表明?更高的感知有用性?WM导致?更大的意图?从农民中采用它。同样,?打算?采用WM受到积极影响?客户准备?使用这项技术和?感知易于?使用。而且,呢?用来的意图较低?农场显示更大的尺寸。令人惊讶的是,对我们来说的感知?客户对WM的积极期望?采用?农场显示出负面影响,表明外部压力可以抑制农民的意图。发现是有价值的?了解如何?制定政策?支持WM?在农民中采用,这是重要的?可以访问?特别适合市场?

关键词:e-commercefarm digitalizationinnovation adoptionstructural equation modelTechnology-Organisation-Environment model

关键词翻译:E-CommermeFarm NigitionizationInnovation采用结构方程模型技术组织环境模型



3.[期刊论文]Analysing farmers intention to adopt web marketing under a technology-organisation-environment perspective: A case study in Italy

标题翻译:分析农民在技术组织环境中采用网络营销的意图 - 意大利案例研究

期刊:《Agricultural Economics》 | 2020 年第 5 期

摘要:This study explores the factors that affect the intention to adopt web marketing (WM) at farm level as an innovation for business purposes. Data were collected from a direct survey among Italian farmers. The paper applies the Technology-Organisation-Environment (TOE) framework. Among the variables considered, the results mainly show that a higher perceived usefulness of WM leads to a greater intention to adopt it from farmers. Similarly, the intention to adopt WM is positively influenced by the customers readiness to use this technology and the perceived ease of use. Moreover, the intention to adopt is lower for the farms showing a greater size. Surprisingly, the perception of customers positive expectation about WM adoption by the farm shows a negative effect, suggesting that external pressures can inhibit farmers intention. Findings are valuable to understand how to develop policies to support WM adoption among farmers, that is important to gain access to the market especially for smallholders.


关键词:e-commerce;farm digitalization;innovation adoption;structural equation model;Technology-Organisation-Environment model




4.[期刊论文]Onlinemarketing-Alltag: Die sieben schlimmsten Gespenster des Marketings


期刊:《iBusiness Executive Summary》 | 2019 年第 12 期

摘要:So divers wie wohl kaum eine Aufgabe in der Digitalen Wirtschaft ist die Verantwortung für das Marketing: Strategische Verantwortung, wie sie sonst nur der CEO hat, ist ebenfalls Teil des Tätigkeitsportfolios wie Operatives. Kommunikationsfertigkeiten sind ebenso gefragt wie technisches Know-how, das Verständnis von Datenstrukturen ebenso wie statistisches und betriebswirtschaftliches Know-how.




5.[期刊论文]Profitable Trends in Web Marketing


期刊:《Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration News》 | 2018 年第 13 期

摘要:Lets get the unprofitable parts of business out of j the way first. In regards to websites, some used to say, "Build it, and they will come." That mightve been good enough for a field of dreams, but in todays reality, seemingly everyone over 11 years old has a website.




6.[学位论文]Small Business Use of Internet Marketing: Findings from Case Studies






7.[学位论文]PETAs Use of Social Network Marketing.


摘要:Social networking working sites (SNS) such as Facebook are becoming a cost-effective, preferred means of marketing, being a progressive tool to reach a vast audience quickly and simultaneously. Nonprofit organizations such as PETA have the ability to increase donorship and volunteerism through e-word-of mouth marketing by establishing a Facebook presence through post content and user interaction to increase the visibility of the organization. This case study is designed to evaluate PETAs effectiveness in using Facebook as a marketing tool by analyzing PETAs Facebook post content in relation to user interactivity. Post content was evaluated by design, post category, author of post and inclusion of hyper links. Interactivity was measured by type of category, comments, likes and shares, and the frequency of each type of interactivity. The results found that user interactivity was related to post content and design and overall user interactivity was related to PETAs consistency in creating Facebook posts. The findings of this study conclude that SNS marketing needs to be consistent and frequent. Facebook post content should not be random or haphazard, meaning marketing plans need to be specifically developed to each organization in creating Facebook posts to encourage interactivity of visitors to an organizations Facebook page.

摘要翻译:诸如Facebook之类的社交网络工作网站(SNS)正在成为一种具有成本效益的,首选的营销手段,它是一种能够快速,同时覆盖广大受众的先进工具。 PETA等非营利组织可以通过口口相传通过在帖子内容和用户互动中建立Facebook形象来提高组织的知名度,从而通过口口相传来增加捐助和志愿服务的能力。本案例研究旨在通过分析与用户互动相关的PETA的Facebook帖子内容,来评估PETA在将Facebook用作营销工具时的有效性。通过设计,帖子类别,帖子作者以及超链接的包含来评估帖子内容。互动性是根据类别,评论,喜欢和分享的类型以及每种互动的频率来衡量的。结果发现,用户交互性与帖子内容和设计有关,而总体用户交互性与PETA创建Facebook帖子的一致性有关。这项研究的结果得出结论,SNS营销需要保持一致和频繁。 Facebook帖子的内容不应是随意的或随意的,这意味着在创建Facebook帖子时应针对每个组织专门制定营销计划,以鼓励访问者访问组织Facebook页面的互动。


学科:Speech Communication.;Multimedia Communications.;Mass Communications.




8.[学位论文]Essays on Internet Marketing






9.[学位论文]The impact of the recruiting and training practices on the satisfaction and success in the network marketing distribution channel.


摘要:The network marketing distribution channel has experienced a constant growth during the last decades. It began nearly fifty years ago with the marketing of detergents and cosmetics. Today, the network marketing channel distributes all kinds of tangible goods as well as a variety of services. In 1994, 17 million participants worldwide generated ;This research examines the impact of the recruiting and training practices. Additionally, it incorporates a study of the upline support, within the context of this industry, on the satisfaction and success levels of the participants. The recruiting phase is characterized by an aggressive "employee" (potential participant) search by the "employer" (upline), which concentrates around the recruiting of relatives and acquaintances.;The training program is handled by existing participants who, by virtue of their experience in the current network marketing company assume the role of trainers. This research examines the impact of this practice on the satisfaction and success levels of its participants. Finally, this research examined the impact of upline support on its network. In the same manner that conventional employees perceive immediate management and organizational support, network marketing participants are affected by the support they perceived from their upline.;The results indicated that the recruiting method had no effect on the satisfaction and success levels of participants. However, in general, the results suggested that the success and satisfaction levels of the participants were affected by the recruiting practices of the network marketing industry.;The results also suggested that the satisfaction and success of the participants were affected by the training practices of the network marketing distribution channel. It appears that the trainers lack of training does have a negative effect on the trainees. Similarly, the level of management involvement was found to be positively related to the level of satisfaction and success of the participants.

摘要翻译:在过去的几十年中,网络营销分销渠道经历了持续的增长。它始于五十年前的洗涤剂和化妆品市场。如今,网络营销渠道分销各种有形商品以及各种服务。 1994年,全世界有1700万参与者;该研究考察了招聘和培训实践的影响。此外,它还结合了行业内对上线支持的研究,以了解参与者的满意度和成功水平。招聘阶段的特点是雇主(上线)积极地搜寻雇员(潜在参与者),重点是招募亲戚和熟人。培训计划由现有参与者处理,他们依靠他们的目前在网络营销公司的经验承担培训师的角色。这项研究检查了这种做法对其参与者的满意度和成功水平的影响。最后,这项研究检查了上行支持对其网络的影响。与常规员工一样,他们会立即获得管理层的管理和组织支持,网络营销参与者会受到他们上线提供的支持的影响。结果表明,招聘方法对参与者的满意度和成功水平没有影响。但是,总体而言,结果表明参与者的成功和满意程度受到网络营销行业的招聘实践的影响;结果还表明,参与者的满意度和成功受到网络营销行业的培训实践的影响。网络营销分销渠道。看来,培训师缺乏培训确实会对受训人员产生负面影响。同样,发现管理层的参与程度与参与者的满意度和成功程度呈正相关。


学科:Business Administration Marketing.;Business Administration Management.





10.[学位论文]Pyramid power: Network marketing leaders accounts of professional development and success.


摘要:Millions of people from all walks of life in North America and in over 125 countries worldwide participate in a phenomenon called network marketing, or multi-level marketing. Yet very few researchers have examined the topic, perhaps because of the stigma attached to it. Media reports frequently feature "exposes" about people involved in network marketing, and often condemn the entire sector as a scam. But what are the differences between pyramid schemes and network marketing enterprises? How does the industry operate? What do people have to say about their involvement in the industry?;For this qualitative inquiry I explored the industry through both an extensive review of prior research and published literature, and through the words and stories of network marketing leaders. Interviews with elite members of the field were conducted by and published in a leading trade magazine. I examined 33 of these interviews (with 40 individuals) to answer questions about how and why people become involved in this industry; the challenges they face in their work; how they overcome those challenges; and what they consider to be the keys to their success. A wide range of network marketing companies and personal backgrounds is represented in the inquiry.;Critics denounce the industry on several grounds, including that it: is immoral or unethical; involves controlling recruits in a cult-like manner; encourages materialism and greed; is a pyramid scheme in disguise; does not provide an income for most members; is extremely difficult to succeed in; destroys friendships and other relationships; and that it commercializes friendships. In this thesis, I complicate these criticisms through an examination of both the views of industry proponents and the interviews with leading members of the field. Interspersed with these discussions, I use vignettes featuring a fictitious character whose adventures in network marketing offer an alternative way of describing the experiences of elite participants in the industry. Thus, several layers of experiential understandings, information, and critique about the topic are interwoven throughout the thesis.



学科:Education Adult and Continuing.;Business Administration Marketing.

